
Title: The Weight of Your Project's Success

Title:  The Weight of Your Project's Success


Completing any work, whether it be individual or group work is very similar to an act. For instance, an actor on stage or on screen does not just stand or sit idly, each and every step, each and every intention, each and every action, each and every reaction is part of the act, and it out of the other acts contributes to the achievement of the end goal. There are people, very much like the actor who plays a role within a play, without whom such particular project cannot be executed.

In this case, acting refers to the behavior of a person when he or she takes up the position of a project’s leader, a project’s influencer, or incorporates himself or herself into the project in any way possible and performs activities and undertakes responsibilities to propel the project agenda.

Tangible projects, as well as all available strategies, have a very minor probability of ever having any chances to reach success without proper design and implementation of activities alongside well-structured and concrete thoughts. A project might aim towards different objectives but that is not enough to complete the project as its doing, or simply acting, performing a function, leads to the attainment of the project’s objective. The above project manager’s role is provided with some analogy to that of a movie director. Just as the director creates an overall picture comprising of various actors, all of whom are under a singular vision, so does the project manager accomplish the objectives of the project scope.

From this scholarly work, we will also evaluate the projects as the team makes an individual contribution to each project’s success. In this particular case, there are ten major themes, which is a short reminder only about how much your action will influence the project’s success.

1. The Visionary: Defining a Clear Vision

It is evident that I am living my vocation, as do you, and I commend you for this project safety. Most of the great ideas come to completion since there is always someone who knows how to make it happen. It's how they would like to see it. For each approach or the stage of the project implementation, there are its goals and objectives.

In drama, actors perform according to the pictures in their heads that the script creates, specifically in each part or act. Accordingly, it is the project manager's responsibility – to bring the vision to all of the project's participants in an appealing manner in order for them to be united in their cause. Formulate the vision of success and its criteria from the very beginning of the process and ensure that all the participants have the common understanding of it. You are the person's North Star and this very person can find himself/herself in a number of difficult situations that require direction.

Well-structured definitions of a mission create extraordinary drivers of motivation and consequently the effectiveness of the overall performance by the team.

2. The Planner: Strategic Execution

The ability to develop a plan is one of the most important aspects that contribute to the success of your project. The next step is usually disregarded. Still, it is one of the most important roles that you will play. In this role, a planner outlines the action steps in achieving the vision while providing for resources, time, and budgets to accomplish the


In theatre practice, it is of the utmost importance that, apart from knowing their lines, the actors also know their blocking and cues. In project management, however, strategic execution is the process of identifying project work breakdown structure (WBS), assigning roles and responsibilities, and setting up project schedule limits which are more or less realistic. It is important to foresee possible obstacles, make a U-turn if need be, and keep a pragmatic approach to your plans.

Proper preparation is the cornerstone of planning and management for success. Without this, it is easy for projects to veer off track or fail to achieve their intended aims.

3. The Communicator: Communication as a Key Factor of Success

There are many components to consider in a project but none of them would make sense without proper communication. Just as there is a stage and an audience in a play, where actors perform emotions and narrate stories, in leading a project, there has to be an interaction between team members, stakeholders and partners all the time.

Communication is the blood of the project and it must be regular and open. This applies to extensive activities such as the first meetings, routine updates on the work in progress, or even dealing with particular conflicts or misunderstandings that may happen throughout the course of a project. If done right, communication can mitigate disputes reconcile members of the team and get the buy-in of the stakeholders.
One aspect of effective communication is listening attentively. Being open to the worries and proposals of other people can enhance the outcome as well as the interaction.

4. The Problem Solver: Overcoming Barriers

Most projects do not progress in a linear fashion. Issues will come, address them successfully, and the project stands a chance of being completed. It is the same with bearing the distance; an actor has to improvise in the course of performances, so are you with any issues that pop up.
There are always issues that each project delivery tends to face, management of time frame, money management, even management of people and the machineries involved. As a trouble shooter, one must solve the given problems professionally and in a composed manner. Solutions take ingenuity, adaptability and endurance.
Being able to shift your tactics, and adjust your course while still focusing on a wider goal is an important aspect of project management.

5. The Collaborator: How to Create a Team

No effort stands on its own and within any scope of activity, there is always a cast of players. In this case, just like in the case of an ensemble cast, the strength of your production is dependent on the combined contributions of the team. One of the responsibilities of being a project manager or a leader is ensuring that there is an appropriate and effective staffing for the project, identifying what people can do best and ensuring that those people work together in an environment conducive to their output.
Team collaboration needs to ensure encouragement, recognition, and motivation of the members, as well as the adoption of ideas. Just as a scene will not work if one actor does not perform adequately, so too will a project fail in its aim if all members do not contribute their individual skills.
As previously mentioned, a great deal of effort goes into team building and most importantly promoting healthy communication, conflict resolution where necessary and making sure everyone carries their weight with respect to the project.

6. The Decision Maker: When the Going Gets Tough

Project management is all about making crucial judgement calls. The role of the project manager calls for an individual ready to make hard decisions which might affect the whole team and the project as a whole. In the same way, one who interprets a character and must choose which emotional perspective will best suit the character in relation to the scenes, so are you the one who makes decisions for your project.
At times, the accepted practice may not be the most pleasing to the audience. Cuts to expense, delays in timelines or turning on one’s heels from the conceived idea may have to take place. It is also part of the role of the decision-maker to consider all the arguments for and against, talk to people involved, and take responsible action.
An effective project leadership is one that executes a  contradiction – acting under pressure, and very often without additional information, but at the same time taking into account the perspective of the consequences of the actions taken.

7. The Energizer: Omnipresent and Persistent Motivation

Every project has its distinct stages and it is critical to amotivated the team through every stage. As an actor ensures that their teammates perform well, so is the role of the project leader in lifting the spirits of the team. Therefore, your positivity, zeal, and warmth will translate into the team’s motivation.
After all, the projects can take long sprints that can lead to disengagement or even burn out with time. The only thing left within the circle is your project, and the way you do your best to keep in the same spirit. For instance, you can carry your team through positive encouragement, recognition of achievement in minor tames, or offer
them a chance to grow but until the end of the project, your team needs to be enthusiastic and active.
Instilling a sense of responsibility for the given assignment with wide reminders about the global purpose can be quite effective in supporting the overall atmosphere.

8. The Learner: Striving Towards eLearning Policy

The learner is perhaps the most critical hat you can put on. Learning, whether it is through failure, success or even the result of an outcome, is a given in any project. Like an actor who gradually improves in his performances, you too must be ready to embrace change and self-improvement.
Learning is what will enable you to advance and thrive in the position of project leader. Taking stock frequently, evaluating what was good and what was bad and why and changing plans accordingly are the pillars of the success on the project or projects in the long run. Learning ensures that there is room for both new and old ideas.
The growth that will be related to the changes you make will not only help this particular project but also will be the building stones of the success of the coming projects.

10. The Reflector: Taking Lessons from both Victory and Defeat

And a period of reflection comes in on the overall completion of the project. As a performance is reviewed by actors for possible improvement so does an evaluation of the achievements and failures of the project necessitate one’s attention.

Doing a debriefing of the project in general — what was good, what could have been better, what did we learn, etc. will also assist you in handling later projects. This is important and should be given to the team so that they can also take advantage of what has been learned.
The measures of your project success are not only in realizations but also in the learnings towards the next projects.

Final thoughts 

Your active participation at every stage of the project will determine the overall accomplishment of that given project. Every stage, from developing a concise vision for the project to executing the closer and assessing the results causes either a success or failure of the project. Knowing these roles and accepting them with the right intent gives you the best shot at seeing the project through and performing spectacularly. A psychologist observes her protagonists and builds their characters in every detail; as a project manager, you must be determined, flexible, and in command to make the project successful.

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