
Title: What is the successful project

Title: What is the successful project


In the modern age dominated by rapid changes and quest for results, successful project management cannot be defined in absolute terms as it tends to vary in accordance with the participants and the nature of the project. Some would find success to be accomplishing certain assignments on time and within budgets. Others might define it as producing effects or making changes on the organization or even on the society. Nevertheless, notwithstanding these views in its variations, there are fundamental principles and practices that in one way or another enhance the realization of any given project. This article examines the issue of what a successful project is by outlining seven necessary components of it. Each component is critical such that it does not only help achieve project related objectives but also ensures that long term benefits are derived from the project.

1: Clear And Realistic Goals


Every project, if it is to be successful, must start from the bottom with exactly formulated aims. Aims are those things, which navigate and give a feeling of purpose into the project team. They must be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound (SMART). In the absence of appropriate aims, aims the project gets a chance of sailing away, which brings about wastage of resources, missed timelines, and unhappy sponsors.

It is most important to start a project with a project goal that is accurately defined. This means that it should involve all relevant stakeholders in the project, including the project team itself. This is in contrast to situations where the project is clear to every team member, but not necessarily to all of them, thus fostering a productive and constructive working environment. It becomes also more manageable to monitor the status of the project, make any necessary changes and keep the project on track.

2:A project plan is the strategy that leads stakeholders and the project team in working towards the reasonable goals set for the project.

 Project management plan has a detailed set of baselines which can be scope baseline that outlines what will be work done, schedule baseline that incorporates time duration necessary for each task and a cost baseline that estimates the funds needed to achieve the set project objectives. A project management plan is guided by the project scope and saves manages any lapse of time, control of adverse risks and surprises that develops in the project implementation. Where a project has been provided for in the project plan, there will always several factors disturbing the ease of planning and execution within a set time frame. Every activity capable of achieving the goals of the project ought to be included in the plan as well as possible risks in their order of occurrence. In addition, proper management is of such a dynamic nature that it will always adjust according to the prevailing situations but maintains the focus on the project objectives. A given project team increases its chances of delivering successful projects by spending time on the concepts in planning stage

3: Effective Communication Explanation Communication is the glue that keeps a project in place.

 It helps in making sure that all the different parties involved in the project are kept informed, on the same page, and participating all through to the end of the project. Failure to communicate appropriately makes project problems even more difficult to deal with because it creates tension, mistakes and even conflicts on the project that can overturn the best laid project.
Where a project is executed successfully, there are clear channels of communication as well as culture in which team members communicate on updates, queries and suggestions. It’s good to hold frequent meetings, put up progress reports and solicit for comments, for example, in a project. It also involves speaking and listening to the other party person, adjusting the form of message to be most appropriate for the receiver. Finally, executive communication promotes team work and reduces the chances of miscommunication.

Summarise 4: Skilled and Motivated Team.


People are the core of any project and hence the project will be impacted by the level of motivation and skilled of the team members. It is important to have an enthusiastic and hardworking team in order to successfully accomplish the tasks. The team members should possess certain skills, experience and willingness to work towards achieving the objectives of the project. 
To put together an efficient team is not just about having the right people in place but also creating an environment that encourages the right behaviours. This also means that the team is trained and provided with the necessary resources and help that are likely to make them victorious. In addition, appreciation and rewards for performance help uplift the spirits of the team members and motivate them to work out more. Such a team is not only effective but also willing to put in extra work where needed, and sometimes this can mean the difference between a satisfactorily completed project and an outstanding one.

Summarise 5: Risk Management, Solution Finding.


There are no projects that do not have some form of risks and difficulties. Every successful project stands out with the ability to foresee, recognize and control risks. Risk management is also after the fact and plans prepared for dealing with those risks which if not managed can escalate into serious problems. It also calls for a logical way of addressing challenges that come out of the blue.
Good project management teams are those that constantly evaluate the risks involved in the project, devise plans of action if those risks come to pass, and are prepared to embrace the changes. Good risk management comprises strategies on how risks should be detected, evaluated, and controlled to active strategies. Moreover, a proactive approach towards dealing with problems encourages team members to resolve them as they occur instead of allowing them to become worse. This is how large disruptions of activities during the course of a project are avoided and how projects can run smoothly even where risks are encountered.

 6: Engagement and Satisfaction of Stakeholders


Stakeholder engagement is instrumental to the successful realization of any project. Stakeholders are people such as clients, sponsors, team members, end users or any other entities, who have an interest in the project and its results. Keeping them updated and involved in the process serves to follow through on their wants and aspirations, which is critical to the success of the project as a whole.
There is no exploitation in that communication with the stakeholders is maintained throughout the project in order to provide them updates, collect their feedback and resolve issues. This involvement creates and strengthens the trust between parties and also helps keep the project in check with stakeholders' demands. Involving people to whom the deliverables are directed in decision making tendencies cannot only suffice the end users but also lead to better satisfaction. With Stakeholder Engagement, a Project has higher chances of achieving its set goals and provides a benefit that is embraced and appreciated by all the parties.

summary 7: Continuous Monitoring and Evaluation


For purposes of project management, there has to be monitoring and evaluation aimed at maintaining the project on the right track as well as being able to achieve its objectives. This encompasses following up the progression of the project within set goals, time and budget. The process of monitoring enables the project management team to establish once the execution is not as per the plan and corrective actions can be undertaken instantly.
Best practices for project management include an effective functionality for the collection of indicators enabling the monitoring of project implementation, for example key performance indicators, milestones financial verification et cetera. This is sequential to assessment since it aids in establishing the status of the project relative to the intended goals and for the correction of irreconcilable discrepancies. Also, as the project progresses, monitoring helps a great deal in knowing what can be improved thereby helping the project team to better the processes and make them more effective. By maintain


A project is considered successful when many things contribute to the fulfillment of its objectives. Goals give a purpose; project planning gives a chance to map the course for a success; communication encourages teamwork; the team that is active and ready to work ensures implementation; some risk and problems are allowed but kept minimal in order to complete this task; the public within which these projects fall and their needs are catered for; and last performance and evaluation gets the job done but in a more flexible manner. Thanks to these seven principles, project managers and teams are able to implement any project and produce the promised deliverables on time or even before. In the end however, success of a project is not just finishing activities on time and within budgetary limits, but rather providing with services and products, meeting objectives and creating meaningful change.

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